Utah Archaeology society Meetings / Presentations

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Meeting, Lectures

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Program Description

Event Details

Robert Silvernagel will be giving a presentation on history within the Colorado Plateau.

Based on his book, Historic Adventures on the Colorado Plateau, Bob Silbernagel examines travel obstacles on the Plateau, and the multitude of ways horses were used to overcome those obstacles in his presentation.  Even in the 21st Century, the Colorado Plateau – with deep chasms, high mountains, and arroyos everywhere – remains one of the most difficult places on this continent for travel.  Yet, since the earliest human habitation, people have found means to travel across this stark landscape. And for 250 years after the arrival of Europeans, horses were the most important form of transportation on the Plateau.

Bob Silbernagel is the author of "Troubled Trails: The Meeker Affair and the Expulsion of Utes from Colorado,” and “Historic Adventures on The Colorado Plateau.” His next book, about the fur trade around Lake Superior, is to be published by the Wisconsin Historical Society Press in 2020.  Bob was the editorial page editor for The Daily Sentinel newspaper in Grand Junction for 19 years. He retired in 2014, but he continues to write a history column for the newspaper.  When not writing, he enjoys horseback riding, bicycling, walking and camping.  He and his wife, Judy, live near Palisade, Colo.


Upcoming meetings/ presentations

We will not have a meeting in December, but will resume meetings in January on the second Wednesday of the Month.

All Utah Archaeological Society Meetings are open to the public and free of charge. Please invite anyone who may be interested in archaeology or history.