Homeschool lessons
The ideas and opinions expressed during non-Library sponsored events held in reserved meeting rooms do not necessarily reflect the ideas and opinions of the Library or its staff members.
The Native Experience
Larry Cesspooch, a Ute Filmmaker, Storyteller, and Spiritual Leader, will visit the Library & Heritage Museum monthly to share Ute knowledge with us through stories, crafts, music, dance, and film.
Teen Art Club
Meetings are on the 2nd Monday of the month from 4:00pm-5:00pm in the Teen Room
Within My Reach: Successful Relationships, Successful Lives Part 2-Conflict Resolution
This workshop is a two-part "teaser" for Within My Reach's 12-week course. The Within My Reach workshops can be summed up very simply as...
NaNoWriMo Come Write-In: Library Writer's Workshop
Weekly Write Ins filled with prompts, sprints, and working towards our NaNoWriMo goals.