Within My Reach: Successful Relationships, Successful Lives Part 2-Conflict Resolution

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This is not a library sponsored event.

Describe your planned activities. (One full sentence minimum.)

This workshop is a two-part "teaser" for Within My Reach's 12-week course. The Within My Reach workshops can be summed up very simply as... You know all of the information you wished you would have had, during your high school years, when you were expected to start acting like adults? You will learn that here! Within My Reach will teach you skills that will increase your odds of success in life, and help you reach your goals with Healthy Relationship and Conflict Resolution tools.

These workshops are put on in a relaxed yet interactive environment. Casual dress is perfectly acceptable! My goal for you is to provide a comfortable learning atmosphere. Do not hesitate to bring along a spouse, friend, coworker, sibling, or anyone you feel could benefit along.

Although attending both parts is not required, it is strongly recommended.
Part 1: Healthy Relationships
Part 2: Conflict Resolution

You can just show up or if you'd like reminders, you can register by copying and pasting this link into your browser https://www.fafv.org/reach