Got a quilting project? Bring it along with your sewing machine and socialize with other quilters at the library while you work!
The ideas and opinions expressed during non-Library sponsored events held in reserved meeting rooms do not necessarily reflect the ideas and opinions of the Library or its staff members.
Preschool age children learn skills needed for school with our songs, stories, and crafts in each 30 minute session.
Preschool age children learn skills needed for school with our songs, stories, and crafts in each 30 minute session.
Teen Magic the Gather Club if for teens ages 11-17 and meets the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month in the Teen Room between 4pm-6pm. Players of all levels are welcome to join!
Troop meeting
Do you want to practice public speaking, improve your communication and build leadership skills? With Toastmasters, you can break barriers, not your budget.